Bio-Rad伯乐 PDQuest二维分析软件
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- 简介:【介绍】 作为The Discovery Series 软件家族的一员,PDQuest 提供的双向电泳凝胶分析和数据库管理。PDQuest 软件具有强大的比较分析能力,特别设计用于同时分析多块凝胶。这种的分析工具能揭示分析凝胶间的细微差 异(例如研究热激、培养液、剂量反...
询价/订购热线:400-098-6966 0371-60153588
作为The Discovery Series 软件家族的一员,PDQuest 提供的双向电泳凝胶分析和数据库管理。PDQuest 软件具有强大的比较分析能力,特别设计用于同时分析多块凝胶。这种的分析工具能揭示分析凝胶间的细微差 异(例如研究热激、培养液、剂量反应和时间进程等变量的影响)。
PDQuest 拥有悠久的历史和大量的文献引用。通过加强自动化操作和多种来源数据整合等,其功能不断升加 强。功能强大的自动匹配算法能快速地比较凝胶,几乎无需人工操作。灵活的注释功能使PDQuest 成为建立 中心化信息库的*选工具,可将任何类型的特征数据连接到凝胶主图像的每个样品点上。你可简便地查看和使用已 鉴定蛋白的相关信息。
Simple built-in tools and a Quick Guide let you start immediately. PDQuest offers an easy-to-use graphical interface with standard pull-down menus, toolbars, and keyboard commands. A new experiment wizard guides you through experiment setup and analysis.
User-friendly and intuitive interface.
- Quick guides to lead a beginner through the major applications of the software, from image acquisition to output of analyzed data
- Onscreen context-sensitive help
- Context-sensitive, right-mouse-click menus that offer ready access to common commands
- Experiment setup wizard
适合一维和二维图像分析的The Discovery Series 软件帮助你采集图像。内置快速应用指南可指导你简便快 速地获取并优化图像以及进行打印。软件可在Windows 或Macintosh环境下运行,图形界面简洁,可使用标准的下 拉式菜单、工具条及键盘指令。不同程序可共享文件格式和菜单指令,使你能够简便地在各应用间转换。
- 用户友好、应用导向的菜单界面
- 快速应用指南引导你实现从图像采集到数据分析以及图像数据输出,无需软件说明书
- 直接获得屏幕上相关内容的帮助
- 右键菜单集成相关命令,可快速使用常用指令
- 适合PC 和Macintosh 的真正多平台文件
- TIFF 文件输入,TIFF 与JPEG 文件输出
- 一体化的成像方案— 1个软件可控制Bio-Rad 成像仪
- 以应用为基础的采集控制窗口,能自动为成像系统配置合适的滤光片、激光光源等硬件配置
- 调节亮度、对比和图像过滤
- 全方位的图像旋转
- 调色板代表实际色彩
- 3 个不同颜色通道图像的多通道融合— 方便显示组合数据
- 三维观察模式能以三维模式观察任何用户选定的凝胶区域
- 图像重叠观察功能用于并排查看多个凝胶图像
对于拥有多种成像需要的实验室,运用The Discovery Series 软件只需一个成像中心就能配合光密度仪、凝胶成 像仪和磷屏成像或荧光成像,提高它们的工作效率。一体化的图像分析软件避免了其它复杂的、特殊应用软件包所 需的耗费和培训时间。你可把一个或多个Bio-Rad 成像系统连接到一个PC 或Macintosh 计算机,来控制你实验室 样品的扫描和分析。
The Discovery Series 软件可方便地联网以快速采集和灵活地分析数据,用于多用户中心实验室、大型学院研究 所或跨范围的合作实验室。浮动网络授权方案为从任何计算机工作站上使用分析软件提供了经济的途径。
- “斑点检测程序”( Spot Detection wizard )可快速地进行斑点检测
- 自动检测及高斯模型可分离重叠的斑点,避免人工编辑
- 自动斑点匹配功能,拥有***的算法可获取出众的度,无需人工干预
- “斑点检测和匹配报告”( Spot detection and Matching Summary report )帮助定义的斑点检测和匹配参数
- “重复组一致性工具”(Replicate Group Consensus Tool)可调节重复凝胶的斑点匹配信息,以查找和校正斑点检测误差
- 应用一个***的SYPRO Ruby 滤光片,可从真正蛋白点中自动鉴别和去除背景假点
- “标准自动添加”(Auto –add to Standard)功能,可快速地从实验凝胶自动构建一个合成参考凝胶
- 多种浓度均一化方法消除了不同凝胶间的实验误差,以获的更准确的比较结果
- 多种背景去除方式保证低丰度蛋白的定量性
- 重复组分析、样品分类或以单凝胶为基础的定量模式选择可获取在统计上有代表性的定量结果
- “徒手画线”(Volume Freehand)和“自动画线”(autocontour)等定量区域确定工具可自行确定蛋白点定量区域
- 分类定量报告包含凝胶斑点与参考模板胶上斑点的浓度比率
- 的统计分析工具可找出在实验中有显著性的斑点
- 用户可调整显著性等,并将之添加到统计分析的设定中
- 直观的数据采集工具帮助用户确定表达异常者
- 逻辑数据库模型可结合和分析比较多个数据库
- Wilcoxon 成对样品算法可统计比较样品对
Data Visualization
PDQuest software offers a wide variety of tools to visualize results and data on the gel, in graphs, and in tabular reports.
- Color-coded labeling of matched and unmatched spots in all gel images
- Match-offset vectors that indicate outliers in red for better visibility when editing matching of spots
- "Cyber gel" composite views built from multiple gels that resolve different pI or molecular weight ranges
- Scatter Plot tool dynamically linked to spots in image, allowing easy identification of variant proteins
- Color-coded graphs to differentiate samples according to replicate group or sample class attributes
- Flexible annotation capabilities that allow extensive rich text comments, URL addresses, or data files to be linked to spots
Color-coded graphs differentiate samples.
PDQuest software integrates with key workflow elements for proteomic discovery research for sample tracking, spot excision, mass spectrometric protein identification, and bioinformatics.
- Fully integrated automation with ProteomeWorks, ProteomeWorks Plus, and EXQuest spot cutters
- Automatic importation of protein identification results from mass spectrometers with IDQuest software
Integration for proteomic discovery research.
PDQuest software integrates with key workflow elements for proteomic discovery research for sample tracking, spot excision, mass spectrometric protein identification, and bioinformatics.
- Fully integrated automation with ProteomeWorks, ProteomeWorks Plus, and EXQuest spot cutters
- Automatic importation of protein identification results from mass spectrometers with IDQuest software
Integration for proteomic discovery research.
PDQuest software integrates with key workflow elements for proteomic discovery research for sample tracking, spot excision, mass spectrometric protein identification, and bioinformatics.
- Fully integrated automation with ProteomeWorks, ProteomeWorks Plus, and EXQuest spot cutters
- Automatic importation of protein identification results from mass spectrometers with IDQuest software
Integration for proteomic discovery research.
PDQuest software integrates with key workflow elements for proteomic discovery research for sample tracking, spot excision, mass spectrometric protein identification, and bioinformatics.
- Fully integrated automation with ProteomeWorks, ProteomeWorks Plus, and EXQuest spot cutters
- Automatic importation of protein identification results from mass spectrometers with IDQuest software
Integration for proteomic discovery research.
PDQuest software integrates with key workflow elements for proteomic discovery research for sample tracking, spot excision, mass spectrometric protein identification, and bioinformatics.
- Fully integrated automation with ProteomeWorks, ProteomeWorks Plus, and EXQuest spot cutters
- Automatic importation of protein identification results from mass spectrometers with IDQuest software
Integration for proteomic discovery research.
PDQuest software integrates with key workflow elements for proteomic discovery research for sample tracking, spot excision, mass spectrometric protein identification, and bioinformatics.
- Fully integrated automation with ProteomeWorks, ProteomeWorks Plus, and EXQuest spot cutters
- Automatic importation of protein identification results from mass spectrometers with IDQuest software
Integration for proteomic discovery research
目录 # |
描述 |
170-9620 |
PDQuest Basic 2-D Analysis Software |
170-9630 |
PDQuest Advanced 2-D Analysis Software |
170-9631 |
PDQuest Advanced 1-User Network License |
170-9632 |
PDQuest Advanced 2-User Network License |
170-9633 |
PDQuest Advanced 3-User Network License |
170-9634 |
PDQuest Advanced 4-User Network License |
170-9635 |
PDQuest Advanced 5-User Network License |
170-9636 |
PDQuest Advanced 10-User Network License |
170-9637 |
PDQuest Advanced 20-User Network License |
170-9640 |
PDQuest Basic to Advanced Software Version Upgrade |
170-9642 |
PDQuest User Guide |
170-9645 |
PDQuest Advanced CFR Module |
170-9660 |
PDQuest Basic Software Version Upgrade 7.x to 8.0 |
170-9670 |
PDQuest Advanced Software Version Upgrade 7.x to 8.0 |